Expert & Unbiased Advice | Access to 100+ Lenders| Pre-approval in 48 Hrs | Lowest Mortgage Rates


  • Do mortgage brokers have better rates?
  • How does a mortgage broker get paid?
  • What is the difference between a mortgage broker and a mortgage specialist?
  • What does a mortgage broker do?
  • How can you help me as a mortgage broker?
  • How much does a mortgage broker cost?

The short answer is yes, but the long answer is we don't actually HAVE rates. The banks have the rates, and we have access to them. With access to over 30 different AAA banks throughout the country, we guarantee that we'll negotiate to ensure you receive the BEST interest rate and BEST mortgage product specific to your needs.

We receive our compensation in the form of a referral fee from the lender we connect you with. This is a perfect "win-win" because for the client they receive independent unbiased advice that isn't limited to one bank; for the bank receiving a new client it's a wholesale transaction as they don't pay until they receive the new client, and for us we get to remain independent by working for you not the banks!

A mortgage broker is an independent advisor who does not represent one specific lender, but instead represents and negotiates on behalf of the client. A mortgage specialist is an advisor who works specifically for a financial institution, and is limited to the products and services provided by that institution. Be careful of specialists who deem themselves as brokers.

A mortgage broker is independent from any bank or lender. They have the ability represent you in the finance world to shop your mortgage around for the best interest rate and product specific to your needs.

If your expertise is in a different field or this is your first time dealing in real estate, it's in your best interest to discuss your plans with an expert who can advise you on your long term goals in real estate and provide you the options you need to make an educated decision. With years of experience that includes success with hundreds of past clients (just check out our reviews!), we promise to help steer you in the right direction to ensure success with your real estate goals.

For 95% of our clients, we provide an entirely free service. For the other 5%, a fee may be charged for applications deemed high risk relating to credit, flexoffers ,property or alternative forms of financing not available through traditional forms of financing. This is communicated early in advance.
